
Fixed-step IVP solvers for solving vector-valued initial value problems.

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[t,y] = solve_ivp(f,[t0,tf],y0,h)
[t,y] = solve_ivp(f,{t0,E},y0,h)
[t,y] = solve_ivp(__,method)
[t,y] = solve_ivp(__,method,wb)


[t,y] = solve_ivp(f,[t0,tf],y0,h) solves the IVP defined by f(t,y) from t0 until tf using the classic Runge-Kutta fourth-order method with an initial condition y0 and step size h.

[t,y] = solve_ivp(f,{t0,E},y0,h) does the same as the syntax above, but instead of terminating at a final time tf, the solver terminates once the event function E(t,y) is no longer satisfied.

[t,y] = solve_ivp(...,method) can be used with either of the syntaxes above to specify the integration method (i.e. the function will use the specified integration method, instead of the classic Runge-Kutta fourth-order method used by the previous two syntaxes). Options for the integration method are listed in the "Input/Output Parameters" section.

[t,y] = solve_ivp(...,method,wb) can be used with any of the syntaxes above to define a waitbar. If wb is input as true, then a waitbar is displayed with the default message 'Solving IVP...'. To specify a custom waitbar message, input wb as a char array storing the desired message.

Input/Output Parameters

Variable Symbol Description Format
Input f multivariate, vector-valued function () defining the ordinary differential equation
- inputs to f are the current time (t, 1×1 double) and the current state vector (y, p×1 double)
- output of f is the state vector derivative (dydt, p×1 double) at the current time/state
t0 initial time 1×1
tf final time 1×1
C event function ()
- inputs are the current time (t, 1×1 double) and the current state vector (y, p×1 double)
- output is a 1×1 logical (true if solver should continue running, false if solver should terminate)
y0 initial condition p×1
h step size 1×1
method - (OPTIONAL) integration method (defaults to 'RK4')
- 'Euler' (Euler 1st-order method)
- 'RK2' (midpoint method)
- 'RK2 Heun' (Heun's 2nd-order method)
- 'RK2 Ralston' (Ralston's 2nd-order method)
- 'RK3' (Kutta's 3rd-order method)
- 'RK3 Heun' (Heun's 3rd-order method)
- 'RK3 Ralston' (Ralston's 3rd-order method)
- 'SSPRK3' (strong stability preserving 3rd-order method)
- 'RK4' (classic Runge-Kutta 4th-order method)
- 'RK4 Ralston' (Ralston's 4th-order method)
- 'RK4 3/8' (3/8-rule 4th-order method)
- 'AB2' (Adams-Bashforth 2nd-order method)
- 'AB3' (Adams-Bashforth 3rd-order method)
- 'AB4' (Adams-Bashforth 4th-order method)
- 'AB5' (Adams-Bashforth 5th-order method)
- 'AB6' (Adams-Bashforth 6th-order method)
- 'AB7' (Adams-Bashforth 7th-order method)
- 'AB8' (Adams-Bashforth 8th-order method)
- 'ABM2' (Adams-Bashforth-Moulton 2nd-order method)
- 'ABM3' (Adams-Bashforth-Moulton 3rd-order method)
- 'ABM4' (Adams-Bashforth-Moulton 4th-order method)
- 'ABM5' (Adams-Bashforth-Moulton 5th-order method)
- 'ABM6' (Adams-Bashforth-Moulton 6th-order method)
- 'ABM7' (Adams-Bashforth-Moulton 7th-order method)
- 'ABM8' (Adams-Bashforth-Moulton 8th-order method)
wb - (OPTIONAL) waitbar parameters (defaults to false)
- input as "true" if you want waitbar with default message displayed
- input as a char array storing a message if you want a custom message displayed on the waitbar
1×1 logical
Output t time vector (N+1)×1
y solution matrix (N+1)×p

Time vector and solution matrix:

$$\mathbf{t}=\pmatrix{t_{0} \cr\vdots\cr t_{N}},\quad\quad[\mathbf{y}]=\pmatrix{\mathbf{y}(t_{0})^{T} \cr\vdots\cr\mathbf{y}(t_{N})^{T}}$$


Example #1: Time detection.

Consider the Lorenz system, with $\rho=28$, $\sigma=10$, and $\beta=8/3$:



$$\dot{z}=xy-\beta z$$

$$x(0)=0,\quad y(0)=1,\quad z(0)=1.05$$

Plot the solution of this system for $t$ in the interval $[0,100]$.

First, we can rewrite this system in vector form by letting $x_{1}=x$, $x_{2}=y$, $x_{3}=z$, and $\mathbf{x}=(x_{1},x_{2},x_{3})^{T}$.

\cr x_{1}(\rho-x_{3})-x_{2} \cr x_{1}x_{2}-\beta x_{3}}$$

$$\mathbf{x}(0)=\pmatrix{0 \cr 1 \cr 1.05}$$

Defining the system and its initial condition in MATLAB,

% Lorenz parameters
rho = 28;
sigma = 10;
beta = 8/3;

% Lorenz equations in vector form
f = @(t,x) [sigma*(x(2)-x(1));

% initial condition
x0 = [0;

Solving the system for $t$ in the interval $[0,100]$ using the classic RK4 method with a time step (i.e. step size) of $\Delta t=0.001$,

[t,x] = solve_ivp(f,[0,100],x0,0.001);

Plotting the solution,

grid on;

Example #2: Event detection.

Consider the initial value problem

$$\frac{dy}{dt}=y,\quad y(2)=3$$

Find the solution $y(t)$ until $y=10$.

First, let's define our ODE ($\frac{dy}{dt}=f(t,y)$) and initial condition in MATLAB.

f = @(t,y) y;
y2 = 3;

Next, let's define the event function, $E(t,y)$. Since we want to continue solving until $y=10$, we want the solver to run while $y\leq10$; this forms our condition. Therefore,

E = @(t,y) y <= 10;

Solving for $y$ using the Euler method with a step size of $h=0.01$,

[t,y] = solve_ivp(f,{2,E},y2,0.01,'Euler');

Plotting the solution,

grid on;

Example #3: Backward integration (time detection case).

Consider the same ODE as in Example #2, but we are now given its value at $t=20$.

$$\frac{dy}{dt}=y,\quad y(20)=50$$

Find $y(10)$. Then, confirm your result by solving the same ODE from $t=10$ to $t=20$, using $y(10)$ as the initial condition.

In this case, we know $y$ at $t=20$, and want to find $y$ at a previous time $t=10$. To do this, we need to solve the ODE backwards, from $t=20$ to $t=10$. First, let's define our ODE ($\frac{dy}{dt}=f(t,y)$) and initial condition in MATLAB.

f = @(t,y) y;
y20 = 50;

Solving for $y(t)$ from $t=20$ to $t=10$ using the ABM8 method with a step size of $h=0.001$,

[t,y] = solve_ivp(f,[20,10],y20,0.001,'ABM8');

The solution for $y$ corresponding to $t=10$ will be located at the last element of the solution matrix, since $t=10$ is stored in the last element of the time vector. Therefore, $y(10)$ is

y10 = y(end)
y10 =


Confirming our result by solving the same ODE but from $t=10$ to $t=20$ and using our result for $y(10)$ as the initial condition,

[t,y] = solve_ivp(f,[10,20],y10,0.001,'ABM8');
y20 = y(end)
y20 =


Example #4: Backward integration (event-detection case).

Once again, consider

$$\frac{dy}{dt}=y,\quad y(20)=50$$

Find $y(10)$ using an IVP solver with a event function (i.e. event-detection).

First, let's define our ODE ($\frac{dy}{dt}=f(t,y)$) and initial condition in MATLAB.

f = @(t,y) y;
y20 = 50;

The event that terminates the solver is when $t=10$. Therefore, we define the event function as

E = @(t,y) t > 10;

In the time-detection case (Example #3) we input [t0,tf] = [20,10], so the solver knew to integrate backwards in time since t0 > tf. Consequently, internally, the solver made the step size negative. However, for the event-detection case, just given t and E(t,y), the solver won't know to use a negative step size to integrate backwards in time. Therefore, we must manually specify a negative step size. Solving for $y(10)$,

[t,y] = solve_ivp(f,{20,E},y20,-0.001,'ABM8');
y10 = y(end)
y10 =


Note that this is the same result we obtained earlier in Example #3.

See also
