Propagates the state vector forward one time step using the Euler (first-order) method.
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y_next = RK1_euler(f,t,y,h)
y_next = RK1_euler(f,t,y,h) returns the state vector at the next sample time, y_next, given the current state vector y at time t, the function f(t,y) defining the ODE , and the step size h.
Input/Output Parameters
Variable | Symbol | Description | Format | |
Input | f | multivariate, vector-valued function () defining the ordinary differential equation
- inputs to f are the current time (t, 1×1 double) and the current state vector (y, p×1 double) - output of f is the state vector derivative (dydt, p×1 double) at the current time/state |
1×1 function_handle |
t | current sample time | 1×1 double |
y | state vector (i.e. solution) at the current sample time | p×1 double |
h | step size | 1×1 double |
Output | y_next | state vector (i.e. solution) at the next sample time, | p×1 double |
- This documentation is written specifically for the case of vector-valued ODEs. However, this function can also be used for matrix-valued ODEs of the form , where .
Consider the initial value problem
Find the solution until using RK1_euler. Then, compare your result to the solution found by solve_ivp using the Euler method.
First, let's define our ODE () and initial condition in MATLAB.
f = @(t,y) y; y2 = 3;
Let's define a time vector between and with a spacing of .
h = 0.01; t = (2:h:10)';
Solving for using RK1_euler and comparing the result to the result obtained using solve_ivp with the Euler method,
% preallocate vector to store solution y = zeros(size(t)); % store initial condition y(1) = y2; % solving using "RK1_euler" for i = 1:(length(t)-1) y(i+1) = RK1_euler(f,t(i),y(i),h); end % solving using "solve_ivp" [t_ivp,y_ivp] = solve_ivp(f,[2,10],y2,h,'Euler'); % maximum absolute error between the two results max(abs(y_ivp-y))
ans = 1.466105459257960e-09
As expected, the two methods obtain identical results.
See also
RK2 | RK2_heun | RK2_ralston | RK3 | RK3_heun | RK3_ralston | SSPRK3 | RK4 | RK4_ralston | RK4_38